廣告平台種類繁多,除了大家最熟悉的 Google 與 Meta,還有什麼其他值得探索的媒體呢?相信作為專業人士的您對 LinkedIn 不會陌生,但您了解 LinkedIn 廣告嗎?現在就跟著 cacaFly,一起來認識 LinkedIn 作為廣告媒體的優勢與特色吧!
LinkedIn 全球用戶超過 10 億,遍佈逾 230 個國家、逾 6,700 萬企業。其中包含 1.2 億 CEO、7,000 萬企業決策者、2,300 萬意見領袖、1,300 萬中小企業主等,是全球最大的專業人士社群網路,更是觸及高階決策者的最佳平台。
LinkedIn 台灣用戶則超過 370 萬,包含 18 萬企業決策者、12 萬高收入 / 富裕人士、5 萬意見領袖等。
根據 LinkedIn 官方資料,每 5 名 LinkedIn 成員,就有 4 名推動業務決策。此外,LinkedIn 受眾的購買力,是普通網路受眾的 2 倍。

用戶在 LinkedIn 與其他社群媒體的行為模式差異
在一般社群平台,用戶通常訴求放鬆與消遣,心態上以「消磨時間」為主;與之相對,LinkedIn 會員通常以專業的心態在平台上進行互動,更傾向於「投資時間」的概念:人們使用 LinkedIn,是為了獲取知識、提升自己的專業能力。
據 LinkedIn 內部統計,LinkedIn 用戶樂於接收企業與品牌訊息的比例較 Facebook、X 用戶多出了逾 15%;認為金融商品、頂級旅遊、高科技服務等高價商品廣告最適合出現在 LinkedIn 平台的網路使用者,更是超出 Facebook、X 等社群平台 20 - 40%。

此外,根據 Business Insider 網路可信度報告,LinkedIn 連兩年被評為可信度最高的社群媒體。HubSpot 統計資料則顯示,有 89% 的 B2B ⾏銷⼈員通過 Linkedln 來取得客⼾名單,62% 表明 LinkedIn 是最有效獲得客⼾名單的⼯具,並且獲得名單數是第二名社群行銷平台的兩倍以上。
透過上述介紹,您是否對 LinkedIn 平台有更進一步的認識呢?想要讓廣告觸及高收入的商務人士,LinkedIn 是行銷人不可或缺的工具。但是具體應該如何善用 LinkedIn 廣告,讓成效最佳化呢?敬請鎖定下一篇介紹!
Why Choose LinkedIn Ads?
- Advantages of LinkedIn as a Media Platform
Among the many advertising platforms available, such as the well-known Google and Meta, is there other media worth exploring? Most of you are likely familiar with LinkedIn as a profession-oriented social media platform. But have you considered LinkedIn as an advertising channel? Let’s dive into LinkedIn’s unique advantages and characteristics with cacaFly.
The World’s Largest Professional Social Network
LinkedIn boasts over a billion users across 230+ countries and 67 million companies worldwide, including 120 million CEOs, 70 million business decision-makers, 23 million opinion leaders, and 13 million small business owners. This makes LinkedIn the largest professional social network globally and the top platform for reaching high-level decision-makers.
In Taiwan alone, LinkedIn has over 3.7 million users, including 180,000 business decision-makers, 120,000 high-income/affluent individuals, and 50,000 opinion leaders.
According to LinkedIn’s data, four out of five LinkedIn users drive business decisions. Additionally, the purchasing power of the LinkedIn audience is double that of general internet users.
Users' Behavioral Differences on LinkedIn vs. Other Social Media Platforms
On mainstream social platforms, users typically seek relaxation and entertainment, intending to "kill time." In contrast, LinkedIn users engage with a professional mindset, viewing their activity as "investing time"—using LinkedIn to gain knowledge and enhance their professional skills.
LinkedIn’s internal data shows that users are 15% more receptive to corporate and brand messages compared to Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) users. Additionally, LinkedIn is perceived as the most suitable platform for ads featuring high-value products like financial services, luxury travel, and tech solutions, with interest levels 20-40% higher than on other platforms.
According to the Digital Trust Report from Business Insider, LinkedIn has been rated the most trustworthy social network for two consecutive years. HubSpot’s data further reveals that 89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to generate leads, with 62% identifying it as the most effective platform—yielding more than twice the leads of other social platforms.
If you’re aiming to reach a high-income business audience, LinkedIn is an essential tool for marketers. Want to know how to maximize your LinkedIn advertising impact? Stay tuned for the next article in this series!
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Source: LinkedIn