從上一篇文章中我們了解到,LinkedIn 作為一個社群平台,在會員組成與使用者行為輪廓上十分與眾不同。那麼以廣告的角度來看,LinkedIn 又有什麼獨特之處呢?廣告主如何藉著 LinkedIn 的優勢,發揮最大的效益呢?且讓我們繼續往下揭曉!
LinkedIn 與大部分媒體相似,包含行銷漏斗上、中、下層等不同階段的廣告目標可供選擇。
選擇 LinkedIn 的廣告主,常見的廣告目的有幾種:
企業 branding
尋找潛在 2B 客戶
由於 LinkedIn 廣告強項不在於轉換,且若廣告主的 LinkedIn company page 尚未累積一定的知名度和內容經營,對講究高度專業和信任的 LinkedIn 用戶而言,並不容易直接透過廣告促成轉換。因此通常會建議先從曝光、導流、互動等目標著手。
以「徵才」為例,廣告主可以先透過曝光目標,搭配如員工福利、職場環境等素材,加強僱主品牌印象;同時利用互動目標,提升 company page 追蹤人數與貼文熱度,經營品牌信任感;再用導流目標傳遞徵才訊息與履歷投遞連結,促成最終轉換的目的。
一般廣告鎖定條件大多是年齡、性別、興趣等基本資訊,而 LinkedIn 讓您投遞廣告更上一層樓!身為專業、商務導向的社群平台,LinkedIn 廣告系統能依據會員的公司背景、學歷和職業等精準資料進行鎖定,讓您的廣告精確觸達核心專業受眾!
不只是企業名稱,LinkedIn 廣告還可以鎖定企業的產業、規模、成長率等。廣告主不必窮舉所有企業名稱,即可圈住符合所需輪廓的潛在受眾池。目前 LinkedIn 廣告的「產業」大項多達 20 個,細分小項則超過 100 個。對於 2B 企業而言,這是一個非常有用的工具。
廣告主做人才招募廣告時,往往希望觸及高學歷,或者特定學術領域的人才。LinkedIn 提供了會員就讀學校、科系類別、學位等條件供鎖定。廣告主無須條列出每一種學校與科系組合,便可將符合徵才條件的會員納入投遞對象。
LinkedIn 廣告最為人樂道的,便是豐富的職業相關條件。職稱、職能、職階、工作年資、技能專長等,都是 LinkedIn 獨有的受眾鎖定方式。目前職能有多達 26 種,職階更是從實習到 C-level 都可以鎖定。當 2B 廣告主想要尋找潛在簽約對象,他們需要觸及的是企業決策者,此時「職階」就能派上用場。徵才時不想受限於學歷背景,也可以從「職能」、「技能專長」等條件,更直接觸及具相關背景的用戶。
看完了兩篇介紹,是不是對 LinkedIn 廣告已躍躍欲試了呢?如果還是不確定該怎麼執行,別擔心,cacaFly 是您最強的後盾!cacaFly 擁有最專業的廣告策略與媒體成效團隊,隨時為您的業績來一把神助攻!
How to Effectively Utilize LinkedIn Ads?
- LinkedIn Ad Strategies
In the previous article, we explored LinkedIn’s unique user base and behavioral profile. Now, from an advertising perspective, what makes LinkedIn distinctive? How can advertisers leverage LinkedIn's advantages to maximize effectiveness? Let’s dive into the strategies!
Choosing the Right Ad Objectives and Strategies
LinkedIn offers advertising objectives that cover the entire marketing funnel, including brand awareness, consideration, and conversion.
Most advertisers choose LinkedIn ads for the following goals:
Corporate branding
Finding potential 2B clients
Since LinkedIn ads are not primarily focused on conversions, and LinkedIn users value professionalism and trust, it can be challenging to directly drive conversions through LinkedIn ads if an advertiser's company page has not accumulated sufficient content or reputation. Thus, it’s often recommended to start with objectives like awareness, traffic, or engagement.
Let's take recruitment campaigns as an example. Advertisers could first use awareness ads to highlight employee benefits and workplace culture, enhancing employer brand perception. Then, use engagement ads to increase page followers and page feeds' engagement, building brand trust. Finally, traffic ads can drive job applications and resume submissions, leading to conversions.
Compared to focusing solely on conversion goals, this multi-faceted approach can help advertisers achieve longer-term benefits at a lower cost.
Unique Targeting Options to help Reach Professional Audiences and Business Leaders
While most platforms target basic demographics like age, gender, and interests, LinkedIn takes targeting a step further by using member data on career background, education, and professional roles. This enables precise targeting of core professional audiences.
Current Company Data
LinkedIn ads can target audiences based on users' current company industry, size, and growth rate. Advertisers don’t need to list down every specific company name to reach a tailored pool of potential audiences. LinkedIn ads offer over 20 broad industry categories and more than 100 subcategories. For B2B companies, this is an extremely valuable tool.
Educational Background
For recruitment campaigns, advertisers often prefer high-education candidates or those in specific academic fields. LinkedIn provides targeting options based on school, major, or degree—without needing to list all possible combinations.
Professional Background
One of what sets LinkedIn ads apart is its rich set of professional targeting options. Job titles, job functions, job seniorities, years of experience, and member skills are unique ways to define audiences on LinkedIn. Currently, there are 26 different job functions, and seniority levels range from interns to C-level executives. When B2B advertisers are looking for potential clients or contracts, they need to target decision-makers within companies, and that’s where "job seniorities" come in handy. When recruiting, if you don’t want to be limited by educational background, you can focus on other criteria like "job functions" and "member skills" to directly reach users with the relevant expertise.
Now that you’ve learned more about LinkedIn ads, are you eager to get started? If you’re still unsure, don’t worry—cacaFly has got your back! With experts in ad strategies and dedicated media performance teams, cacaFly is ready to boost your business performance!
Contact us
Source: LinkedIn, cacaFly